Summer Lightning

This is a clone of Hopback Brewery's (Wiltshire, UK) Summer Lightning.

Brewer: Graeme Coates Email:
Beer: Summer Lightning Style: English Strong (Extra Special) Bitter
Type: All grain Size: 25 liters
5 HCU (~4 SRM)
Bitterness: 41 IBU
OG: 1.050 FG: 1.011
Alcohol: 5.0% v/v (3.9% w/w)
Grain: 5kg 500g British pale
Mash: 71% efficiency
Mash at 66°C.
Boil: minutes SG 1.039 32 liters
Irish Moss at 15min
Hops: 44g Challenger (5.6% AA, 90 min.)
26g Kent Goldings (3.9% AA, 90 min.)
15g Kent Goldings (3.9% AA, 15 min.)
10g Kent Goldings (aroma)
Yeast: Recultured the yeast from two bottles of Summer Lightning (it is the primary strain).
Log: Ferment at 18°C (keep less than 19-20°C or the yeast produces funky flavours). The yeast is a top cropper and a little rousing helps it - you'll need to skim the yeasty head off the top prior to racking (much like US-05/WLP001)
Carbonation: Light carbonation required.
Tasting: Entered into a competition where the judges comments included that it could do with a little more bitterness for the sweetness of the beer (so increase bittering hops slightly if you want). Also, I mashed at 64C - the finish was a bit short so a slightly higher temp for some more dextrins to increase mouthfeel.

Recipe posted 11/30/08.