I'm Not Bitter!

I've always liked a good ESB, but was never able to brew one in the true English style. One day while talking with a brewer who was able to produce one of the best domestic ESBs I've ever had, I quizzed him on what it was he was doing. Although he was evasive, he did drop a few hints. One being that he only used bittering hops, one time introduction, at the begining of the boil. As we spoke more he interjected that he acheived a certain amount of bitterness from Black patent. After 3 attempts I hit on what I feel, other than the alchol content is an ESB that is very true to style.

Brewer: Brewers Connection Email: -
URL: http://www.brewersconnection.com
Beer: I'm Not Bitter! Style: English Best (Special) Bitter
Type: Partial mash Size: 5 gallons
22 HCU (~13 SRM)
Bitterness: 42 IBU
OG: 1.064 FG: 1.010
Alcohol: 7.0% v/v (5.5% w/w)
Water: Reverse Imoises water with 1 tsp of gypsum
Grain: 8 oz. American 6-row
8 oz. British pale
8 oz. German Pilsner
4 oz. Wheat malt
4 oz. American crystal 10L
8 oz. Dextrine malt (Cara-Pils)
2 oz. British black patent
Mash: 80% efficiency
Place grains in a grain bag. Heat 2 gallons of water to 160 degrees. Turn off heat and add grain bag. Stablize at 154 degrees for 40 minutes. Remove grain bag and let drain. Slowly pour 1 quart of 170 degree water over grain bag to sparge. Add 3.5 gallons more water along with extracts. Turn on heat and bring to boil, add hopps. Boil 60 minutes, add 1 tsp of Irish Moss, boil 15 more minutes. Cool to 80 degrees, pitch yeast, (White Labs WLP007). Ferment at 68 degrees.
Boil: 90 minutes SG 1.058 5.5 gallons
3 lb. Light malt extract
3 lb. Light dry malt extract
Hops: 1 oz. Galena (13% AA, 60 min.)

Recipe posted 03/30/02.