Black Dog Gold Ale

My lawnmower beer. Fairly low in alcohol with a balance towards the malty side. Sweetness and caramel flavors added by the lightly kilned crystal.

Brewer: Joe Email:
Beer: Black Dog Gold Ale Style: GABF Golden or Blonde Ale
Type: Extract w/grain Size: 5.5 gallons
10 HCU (~7 SRM)
Bitterness: 19 IBU
OG: 1.047 FG: 1.013
Alcohol: 4.4% v/v (3.4% w/w)
Water: Steeping water: Use 1/2 gallon of tap water and 1/2 gallon of distilled water. Add 1/4 tps of Calcium Chloride to reduce RA. Use all tap water following steep.
Grain: 0 lb. 8 oz. American crystal 10L
0 lb. 8 oz. American crystal 20L
Steep: Steep for 45 minutes at 155°F in treated water. Tea bag a few times and let grain bag drip until it stops.
Boil: 60 minutes SG 1.054 4.75 gallons
5 lb. 4 oz. Gold dry malt extract
Add a Whirlfloc tablet with 10 minutes remaining in the boil.
Note only 5 lbs of extract is boiled. The other 0.25lbs is contributed by the starter.
Aroma hops added at flameout.
Hops: 13g Cluster (7.9% AA, 60 min.)
28.4g Willamette (4.2% AA, 15 min.)
15g Cluster (aroma)
Yeast: Make yeast starter ~24 hours prior to brew
Wyeast 1056 American Ale Activator
Activate package 3 hours prior to making starter
Boil 4oz. gold dry malt extract with 7 1/4 cups water (~4.75 cups after boiled and cooled)
Cool to 70°F and place in a 1 gallon jar
Pitch yeast and cover with foil
Keep at room temperature (~67°F) swirling occasionally
Log: Primary fermentation 10 days at ~67°F in plastic bucket.
SG after primary 1.013 adjusted for temperature.
Secondary fermentation 19 days at ~65°F in 5 gallon Better Bottle
Carbonation: 2.6 volumes Corn Sugar: 140g for 5.06 gallons @ 70°F
Carbonation volume calculations:
Estimated volume in secondary: 5.06 gallons (5 cups below max)
Predicted trub left in secondary: 0.125 gallons
Predicted priming syrup: 0.1 gallons (2 cups minus boil off)
Predicted beer bottled: 5.06 - 0.125 + 0.1 = 5.04 gallons
50 bottles + 3/4 of a bottle
Tasting: Racking to secondary: Great!
Bottling: This is an awesome beer for my taste!
3 weeks in the bottle: Nearly carbed and this is a delicious beer (this may not be everyone's style though).

Recipe posted 07/16/09.