Hop Goblin

Not to be confused with the ever popular Hob-Goblin, but interesting in itself. A main stay at my brewery.

Brewer: McGeary Brewing Email: yuenglng@webtv.net
Beer: Hop Goblin Style: California Common
Type: Partial mash Size: 5 gallons
26 HCU (~14 SRM)
Bitterness: 54 IBU
OG: 1.068 FG: 1.012
Alcohol: 7.2% v/v (5.7% w/w)
Water: Spring Water Only
Grain: 2.21 lb. American 2-row
0.88 oz. Dextrine malt (Cara-Pils)
Mash: 50% efficiency
Heat strike water to 163 f. to stabalize at 150 f. Since using 2-row a protein rest isn't required, unless it's undermodified. Mash for 60 min. then sparge with 1.5 gal. of 170 f. water. S.G. at this time should be 1.038 with a moderate ph level. I broke my sparge arm so efficiency was only about 50%.
Boil: 75 minutes SG 1.085 4 gallons
2.21 lb. Light dry malt extract
4.42 lb. Amber dry malt extract
Dissolved extracts in boiling kettle prior to boil to reduce any carmelization. Follow hopping schedule to achieve maximum utilization. With a 75 min. boil 18-19% utilization is attainable. Conduct a full five gallon boil for improved clarity, if boiling kettle is not large enough boil as much as possible. Rehydrate Irish Moss and add at last 15 minutes. If heat exchanger is available...use it, if not use a wort chiller. Before siphoning into primary, whirlpool (don't aerate) the cooled wort to significantly reduce trub. With running a whirlpool,the vorlauf should run pretty clear.
Hops: 2.15 oz. Cascade (6.6% AA, 60 min.)
1.08 oz. Crystal (4.0% AA, 45 min.)
0.54 oz. Kent Goldings (5% AA, 15 min.)
1 oz. Crystal (aroma)
.5 oz. Kent Goldings (aroma)
Yeast: I forgot to do a starter this time, but usually a two-stage starter should be sufficient to reduce lag, and acheieve lowest balling possible.
WLP810-for a hoppier bill, the longer you lager it the more mellow it will become. Just tasted a 4 month old sample still in secondary and it's getting better.
Wyeast-2112 for a maltier bill, increase hop rates slightly.
Log: Brew Date:-01.11.04
Yeast-White Labs "San Fran"
Look- ok
Pitching Temp.-60 f.
O.G. .068
T.G. .012
Primary fermentation one week or until 100% complete, then rack off into secondary. Secondary should last at a minimum of two weeks before transfering to the bright tank.
I had to expediate this batch due the super bowl, so it went into the bright tank on 02.02.04
Carbonation: Once transfered to the bright tank, start carbonation with an in-line stone at 2psi than raise by 2psi every couple of hours until a volume of 2.65 is achieved. Usually 14psi at 40 f.
Tasting: Excellent hop nose and citrus flavor, similar to steam beers produced in the 1980's, but no longer available. Not as woodsy as N. Brewer, the use of Crystal and EKG give it a wonderful flavor and aroma profile. With 5 sixtels of other beers still waiting to be drunk, and this aging nicely no notes as of now. Next time I'll probably experiment with the hop bill. Check back DMcG.

Recipe posted 02/17/04.