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Wee Heavy

Brewer: Enrico Email:
Beer: Wee Heavy Style: Strong Scotch Ale
Type: All grain Size: 21.18 liters
40 HCU (~19 SRM)
Bitterness: 28 IBU
OG: 1.075 FG: 1.022
Alcohol: 6.9% v/v (5.4% w/w)
Grain: 5kg 500g British pale
500g Wheat malt
200g British amber
500g British crystal 50-60L
100g British black patent
Mash: 75% efficiency
69°C - 60 min.
78°C - 15 min.
Boil: 120 minutes SG 1.057 28.14 liters
Irish Moss 5 gr. ultimi 15 minuti
Hops: 26.9g Styrian Goldings (6.6% AA, 90 min.)
13.5g Styrian Goldings (6.6% AA, 45 min.)
Yeast: WYeast Scotish Ale 1728 con starter di 1 lt. OG. 1040
Carbonation: 2.0 volumes Corn Sugar: 81.5g for 21.18 liters @ 14°C

Recipe posted 03/06/02.