
Malty and well balanced.

Brewer: J. Randal Email: jrandal1@flash.net
Beer: Oktoberfest-Marzen Style: Märzen/Oktoberfest
Type: All grain Size: 14.0 gallons
16 HCU (~10 SRM)
Bitterness: 19 IBU
OG: 1.059 FG: 1.012
Alcohol: 6.0% v/v (4.7% w/w)
Grain: 12.6 lb. Belgian Munich
15 lb. German Vienna
1.1 lb. Belgian CaraMunich
Mash: 77% efficiency
30 min at 122°F 60 min at 151°F
Boil: 90 minutes SG 1.051 16 gallons
1 Tablespoon Irish Moss pre Hydrated
Hops: 70g Hallertauer (4.25% AA, 90 min.)
35g Hallertauer (4.25% AA, 30 min.)
Yeast: Wyeast 2124 Bohemian in 1 Carbouy (7 gal)
Wyeast 2278 Czech Pils in 1 Carbouy (7 gal)
Log: Ferment at 56°F for 2 weeks, transfer to secondary at 56°F and finish and lager for 4 weeks

Recipe posted 09/13/00.