Barrington Dunkel

I am looking to make a nice malty dunkel to remind me of trips to Munich.

Brewer: Chris McMath Email:
Beer: Barrington Dunkel Style: Munich Dunkel
Type: All grain Size: 5 gallons
40 HCU (~19 SRM)
Bitterness: 21 IBU
OG: 1.068 FG: 1.010
Alcohol: 7.5% v/v (5.8% w/w)
Grain: 2 lb. German Pilsner
.5 lb. Wheat malt
9 lb. German Munich
.5 lb. Belgian CaraMunich
.25 lb. American chocolate
Mash: 75% efficiency
triple decoction with 90 degree munich malt rest
Boil: 90 minutes SG 1.056 6 gallons
irish moss at 15 min to go
Hops: 1 oz. Mt. Hood (4.5% AA, 90 min.)
.5 oz. Mt. Hood (4.5% AA, 30 min.)
.5 oz. Mt. Hood (aroma)
Yeast: Wyeast bavarian lager, 1/2 Gal starter
Log: ferment cool at 45-50 degrees and then cold lager 1-2 mos.
Carbonation: natural carbonation in a keg

Recipe posted 07/11/08.