Everybody's All-American Lager

Brewed for competition entries, specifically the Maltose Falcons' Doug King Memorial.

Brewer: Culver City Home Brewing Supply Email: -
Beer: Everybody's All-American Lager Style: American Lager
Type: Partial mash Size: 5 gallons
3 HCU (~3 SRM)
Bitterness: 13 IBU
OG: 1.040 FG: 1.008
Alcohol: 4.1% v/v (3.2% w/w)
Water: 5 gallons distilled water, 1 gallon filtered city water
Grain: 1 lb. American 6-row
Mash: 50% efficiency
Mash-in with 2 qts. distilled water at 162°, for target of 154°. Hold 45 minutes and sparge.
Boil: 65 minutes SG 1.057 3.5 gallons
3 lb. Light malt extract
1 lb. Rice extract
1 lb. Corn sugar
Whirlfloc at 20 minutes, yeast nutrient at 10 minutes.
Hops: .8 oz. Hallertauer Hersbrucker (3.8% AA, 60 min.)
.2 oz. Saaz (3.6% AA, 30 min.)
.3 oz. Saaz (aroma)
Yeast: WY2035 with 1.5L starter
Carbonation: Force carbonate in the keg.

Recipe posted 07/03/07.