PJ Lager

This is an experiment in toasted malt. This brew calls for a whopping
1.5 pounds of toasted victory malt. I expect the finished brew to have
a nice pronounced nuttiness with a good toasted aroma. The hops were
chosen to avoid a citrusy aroma and to give more of a spicy scent.
I did not use Norther Brewers for the bittering hop, but the Recipator
does not have an entry for Target, the actual hop used.

Brewer: Joe Perrigoue Email: joe@perrigoue.com
URL: http://perrigoue.com
Beer: PJ Lager Style: American Lager
Type: Extract w/grain Size: 5 gallons
7 HCU (~6 SRM)
Bitterness: 19 IBU
OG: 1.044 FG: 1.008
Alcohol: 4.7% v/v (3.7% w/w)
Water: I use 2 gal. tap for the boil and arrowhead spring water for the rest.
Grain: 1.5 lb. Toasted Victory Malt
Steep: Steep grains in a seperate pan, bring to just under 170°F. Strain into
kettle and sparge with hot water.
Boil: 60 minutes SG 1.111 2 gallons
6 lb. Light malt extract
Added one packet expired yeast to the boil, this provides nutrients
for the yeast during fermentaion. Added Irish Moss at 45min.
Hops: 1 oz. Brewers Gold (8.5% AA, 60 min.)
.5 oz. Hallertauer (4.25% AA, 15 min.)
.25 oz. Tettnanger (aroma)
Yeast: Two vials of white labs German Lager Yeast.
Log: Fermented at 55°F.

Recipe posted 05/01/00.