Smash Cream Ale

A light, crisp summer brew made with a single malt variety,
and a single hop variety. A partial mash recipe.

Brewer: Jivin Willy Email:
Beer: Smash Cream Ale Style: Cream Ale
Type: Partial mash Size: 5.5 gallons
6 HCU (~5 SRM)
Bitterness: 22 IBU
OG: 1.044 FG: 1.012
Alcohol: 4.1% v/v (3.2% w/w)
Water: Boiled ahead of time, H2O for topping off fermentor.
Grain: 6 lb. American 6-row
Mash: 50% efficiency
Steeped 6lb American 6-row with 1.5 gal H2O at 171° in an insulated
cooler for 60 minutes. Sparged with 3 gal H2O at 170° to get 4 gal
wort for the boil.
Boil: 45 minutes SG 1.060 4 gallons
3 lb. Light dry malt extract
3lbs Light DME; gypsum and Irish moss added. Plus 1oz Willamette hops
and another oz of Willamette at 30 minutes.
Hops: 1 oz. Willamette (5.9% AA, 45 min.)
1 oz. Willamette (5.9% AA, 15 min.)
Yeast: Wyeast American Ale 1056 starter two days before brewing. Half cup
DME in pint of water, and another half cup DME in pint of water
second day for a qt of starter.
Log: Brewed Aug. 04, 2013. Fermented at 70° for one day and moved to cooler
spot-66° for 7 days. Racked to glass (SG at 1012)and placed in
kegerator at 38° for 5 days. Racked to korny keg and carbonated at
20psi. Drinkable in 3 days.
Carbonation: Original cabonation at 20psi, and slowly rotated koryn keg several times
for couple days. Dropped psi to 10. This brew stays highly carbonated
Tasting: Results fell right in line with BJCP guidelines for a Cream Ale:
light and crisp with little hop or malt aroma; pale straw color; little
hop or malt flavors, with smooth lager like mouth feel. Next time will
use different hop and malt varieties for a SMaSH recipe.

Recipe posted 09/04/13.