Spencer's Classic Lager III

Pitched Yeast 5/21/99
Racked to secondary on 5/28/99
Bottled 6/24/99

Brewer: Kurt A. Christensen Email: kurlin@gate.net
Beer: Spencer's Classic Lager III Style: American Pilsener
Type: All grain Size: 5.75 gallons
3 HCU (~4 SRM)
Bitterness: 26 IBU
OG: 1.055 FG: 1.012
Alcohol: 5.6% v/v (4.4% w/w)
Water: Filtered tap water. One teaspoon of lactic acid to the mash water, and one teaspoon to the sparge water.
Grain: 10 lb. American 6-row
2 lb. Flaked corn
8 oz. Wheat malt
Mash: 71% efficiency
Step mash. Three gallons of water,with a strike temperture of 135 degrees. Hold at 122 degrees for thirty minutes. Raise temperture to 150 degrees with one and one half gallons of 212 degree water and hold for 90 minutes. Mash out at 170 degrees by adding one and one half gallons of 212 degree water to the lauter-tun. Sparge with two and one half gallons of 170 degree water.
Boil: 90 minutes SG 1.046 7 gallons
Irish Moss to the last thirty minutes of the boil.
Hops: .5 oz. Chinook (12.1% AA, 90 min.)
.5 oz. Saaz (2.3.% AA, 30 min.)
.5 oz. Saaz (2.3.% AA, 10 min.)
Yeast: Wyeast #2112 california Lager From the previous batch of classic lager.
Log: Primary for seven days at 60 degrees. Rack to secondary and add polyclar. Hold at 55 degrees for seven days. Lager at 40 degrees for three weeks.
Carbonation: 2.7 volumes Corn Sugar: 5.07 oz. for 5 gallons @ 72°F
Tasting: A great tasting beer!

Recipe posted 08/01/99.