Summers Pleasure

This is an American Wheat beer. It comes in at 6-percent abv with a lightly spicy, estry, tangy and tart, wheaty flavor just balanced with the bitterness.

Brewer: Michael Parks Email:
Beer: Summers Pleasure Style: American Wheat
Type: Extract w/grain Size: 5 gallons
6 HCU (~5 SRM)
Bitterness: 25 IBU
OG: 1.058 FG: 1.012
Alcohol: 5.9% v/v (4.6% w/w)
Water: Tap or bottled water
Grain: 2 lb. American 2-row
1 lb. Wheat malt
Steep: Use a single step infusion starting at 150-152°WITH 1 gallon of water. Steep grains in grain bag for 30-45 minutes, tea bag grains every 15 minutes. Discard grain bags and sparge with 1 gallon of water at 170°
Boil: 90 minutes SG 1.072 4 gallons
3.3 lb. Light malt extract
3.3 lb. Wheat extract
Add 2 more gallons of water and extract to the wort and bring to a boil and let it do the rest. Since this is wheat, please no Irish moss or any other clarifying agent.
Hops: 2 oz. Saaz (3.75% AA, 60 min.)
.60 oz. Saaz (3.75% AA, 20 min.)
Yeast: Recommended an American wheat strain such as Wyeast 1010 or White Labs WLP320
Log: Ferment for 1 week or until fermentation stops. Transfer to secondary fermenter for one additional week.
Carbonation: 2/3 to 3/4 of corn sugar to 1 pint of water. Boil for five minutes and add to bottling bucket slowly.

Recipe posted 02/20/06.