Wedding wheat

This is a tweak of my other wheats, made with all DME and a short boil to keep the color down

Brewer: Rathole Email:
Beer: Wedding wheat Style: American Wheat
Type: Extract w/grain Size: 5 gallons
8 HCU (~6 SRM)
Bitterness: 17 IBU
OG: 1.055 FG: 1.009
Alcohol: 5.9% v/v (4.6% w/w)
Water: Well water
Grain: 1 lb. Raw wheat
Steep: Steep the grains in one gallon water in a grain bag 30 minutes at 155°
Boil: 60 minutes SG 1.055 5 gallons
6 lb. Muntons wheat dry malt extract
After steeping grains, remove bag and sparge.
Bring the one gallon of steeping water to boil, add about 1/2 lb wheat DME and bittering hops. Boil mixture for 45 minutes.
Add this mixture to main boil pot water (about three 1/2 gallons), bring to boil, add liquid extract and bring to boil, add one teaspoon irish moss.
Add saaz hops last ten minutes.
Add juice of three fresh squeezed lemons last five minutes. This should cause boil to stop, about time it starts again, flame out and start wort chiller.
Hops: 1 oz. Hallertauer (3.5% AA, 60 min.)
1 oz. Saaz (3.5% AA, 10 min.)
Yeast: Safale US-56 dry yeast
Log: OG 1.057
about 12 days in the secondary, FG 1.009 (and yeah, that's 6.3% alc/vol, and you can't taste a bit of it)

Seven days in the primary at about 60-65°, a little lower than I would have liked but that's room temp right now.
Ten days in secondary
I kegged this batch, force carbonated
Carbonation: Force carbonated to 2.6 atmospheres
Tasting: Out of secondary it seems fine, but not as nice as the previous wheats. I used one less lemon because I didn't check the recipie, and the other lemons were bigger I think. The lemon adds nice mouthfeel and a slight tartness that I think helps mimic true hefeweizen yeast, plus a slight lemon tang that goes well. This will be cracked at the wedding on 12/17, i'll update then!

12/17: Turned out nice, similar to some of my previous wheats with nice wheat malt flavour, soft on the palate with a touch of citric crispness from the lemons. Not enough though... definately needs at least one more lemon, maybe two, for a total of five. Not bad though.

Recipe posted 12/10/05.