Grand Illusion Weizen

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Brewer: BrewAskew Email: -
Beer: Grand Illusion Weizen Style: Weizen/Weissbier
Type: All grain Size: 5.0 gallons
5 HCU (~5 SRM)
Bitterness: 14 IBU
OG: 1.044 FG: 1.007
Alcohol: 4.8% v/v (3.8% w/w)
Water: Hot Springs, AR Spring Water, no treatment. Naturally high in Bicarbonates.
Grain: 3 lb. Breiss 2 row pale
4 lb. Wheat malt
2 lb. Belgian Munich
Mash: 65% efficiency
In "round cooler" mash tun, combined 2 gallons of water and grains to
130 degree water. Stabilized temp for 30 min. Then add 1 gallon of
200 degree water and stabilized at 150 for 20 min. raised temp to
158 (I had to pull several quarts of mash and heat it to do this) and
stabilize for another 20 min. Sparge with 4 gallons of 175 degree
Boil: 60 minutes SG 1.034 6.5 gallons
Irish moss was used in last 15 min of boil.
This is not necessary for weizenbier, but I did it out of habit.
Hops: .5 oz. Cascade (6.6% AA, 60 min.)
1/4 oz. Cascade (aroma)
Yeast: Hefewezen yeast--WLP 300--pitched tube at 68°F.
Log: Fermented in glass carboy at 68°F for 2 weeks (one was enough)
Secondary in glass carboy for 2 weeks. Kegged 1 month after brewing
day. This much time is not necessary...was too busy to keg sooner.
Using irish moss and secondary ferment created a rather clear
"Kristall-weizen" style beer rather than the usual cloudy
Carbonation: 4.0 volumes Keg: 26.1 psi @ 37°F
Chilled to 37°F, hit with CO2 and agitated several times.
Chilled overnight and voila...fizzy beer.
Tasting: Tastes very crisp. Has a prominent banana aroma with slight
clove/phenolic undertones. Very drinkable and the best-liked beer
(among various commercial brews) at my wedding reception.

Recipe posted 01/03/04.