Piney the Eldest

Unbrewed... brew date is July 10th, 2010. This is the Pliny recipe that accompanies the "Pliny Pack" available from Great price on great hops! Tasting notes to follow.

Brewer: Matthew R. Email:
Beer: Piney the Eldest Style: India Pale Ale
Type: All grain Size: 10.5 gallons
11 HCU (~8 SRM)
Bitterness: 258 IBU
OG: 1.070 FG: 1.011
Alcohol: 7.6% v/v (6.0% w/w)
Water: R.O. water with added chalk for hardness.
Grain: 23 lb. American 2-row
1 lb. 3 oz. American crystal 60L
1 lb. 3 oz. Dextrine malt (Cara-Pils)
Mash: 75% efficiency
Single infusion mash, 1.33 quarts per pound, 75 minute rest at 150*F. Step up to 168*F for 10 minute mashout.
Boil: 90 minutes SG 1.054 13.5 gallons
13 oz. Cane sugar
2 wirfloc tabs added at 10 minutes, 1 tsp. Wyeast yeast nutrient. Add table sugar at flameout.
Hops: 7 oz. Tomahawk (14.5% AA, 90 min.)
1.5 oz. Tomahawk (14.5% AA, 45 min.)
2 oz. Simcoe (12.9% AA, 30 min.)
2 oz. Centennial (10.5% AA, 0 min.)
5 oz. Simcoe (12.9% AA, 0 min.)
2.5 oz. Centennial (aroma)
2.5 oz. Simcoe (aroma)
2.5 oz. Tomahawk (aroma)
Yeast: Three packets of US-05 (according to Aerate well, rehydrate yeast.
Log: "Aroma hops" are dry hops split between the two carboys along the following schedule:
2.00 oz Tomahawk (12 to 14 Days Total)
2.00 oz Centennial (12 to 14 Days Total)
2.00 oz Simcoe (12 to 14 Days Total)
.50 oz Tomahawk (5 days to go in dry hop)
.50 oz Centennial (5 days to go in dry hop)
.50 oz Simcoe (5 days to go in dry hop)
Carbonation: Keg and force carb.

Recipe posted 06/24/10.