Gingercrotch Ale 15

A beer made on a dare! There was a legendary beer made with this recipe that was one of the worst ever tasted (I never tasted it). Our brew club put out a challenge to take this recipe and see what we could make of it. I decided to alter the recipe and make it with what I had - all British ingredients, but use the Spreadsheet to get the same levels of color, bitterness, etc. One of my favorite beers now. The oaked and dry-hopped version is interesting too.

Brewer: Steve Ripple Email:
Beer: Gingercrotch Ale 15 Style: Barley Wine
Type: All grain Size: 6.4 gallons
17 HCU (~10 SRM)
Bitterness: 73 IBU
OG: 1.076 FG: 1.010
Alcohol: 8.5% v/v (6.6% w/w)
Water: Added 1 tsp gypsum to Logan City water (moderately hard and high in carbonates).
Grain: 14.4 lb. British pale
5.5 oz. British crystal 70-80L
5.5 oz. CaraStan
7.1 oz. Dextrine malt (Cara-Foam)
8.6 oz. British brown
Mash: 80% efficiency
Mashed in at 132°F. Did a really thick mash because of limited space. Heated on Wood Stove. Took approximately 60 minutes to bring to 154°F. Let rest for 1 hour. Brought to 165 over about 20 minutes. Started sparge with 170°F water. Added first hops after about 10 minutes in the collection vessel. Took out 2.5 quarts of wort and boiled it down on high heat to 2 cups to get a caramelized wort flavor I like in British Ales. Sparge took 70 minutes.
Boil: 60 minutes SG 1.069 7 gallons
Started boil right away. Pretty much went on schedule. Added Aroma hops about 5 minutes after I turned off the burner. Started drain and chill about 5 minutes after that.
Hops: 0.25 oz. Galaxy (13% AA, 160 min.)
2 oz. Bravo (14% AA, 60 min.)
0.25 oz. Galaxy (13% AA, 5 min.)
0.25 oz. Galaxy (aroma)
Yeast: Added to fermenter that already had Wyeast: 1469 West Yorkshire Ale from previous batch of Winter Welcome. Added to yeast about 3 PM, was bubbling and overtopping the airlock by 7AM the next day.
Log: Brewed on November 10, 2015. Bottled two bottles on December 3, 2015. Took 2.5 gallons and added 0.5 oz Galaxy Hops pellets and 1.5 oz oak chips (heated in oven to 275 for 15 minutes) to age a bit. Bottled rest of batch. Oak and Dry-hopped part was bottled on 09/29/16.
Carbonation: Oaked and dry-hopped part was carbonated with 0.3 cups of corn sugar 09/29/16.

Recipe posted 09/29/16.