Memorial Mild

Served as a pReal Ale. Once I'm halfway done drinking it I'll
serve it under air but for now I'm making up the volume with CO2.
Wonderfully complex flavour. Not much I'd change if I do it again.

Brewer: sean Email: -
Beer: Memorial Mild Style: English Dark Mild
Type: All grain Size: 23 liters
19 HCU (~11 SRM)
Bitterness: 23 IBU
OG: 1.034 FG: 1.004
Alcohol: 3.9% v/v (3.1% w/w)
Water: Adjust mash to pH 4.8 with 15 mL of 4.8% H3PO4. Add approx.
1 mL 4.8% phosphoric acid per L sparge. Starting water is like
2/3 Munich water.
Grain: 5.5 lb. American 2-row
4 oz. American crystal 40L
4 oz. American chocolate
Mash: 85% efficiency
Mashed in at 150°F, rested overnight.
Boil: 60 minutes SG 1.047 17 liters
8 oz. Brown sugar
Turned off heat for 2 minutes' silence to observe November 11. Added
hops at end of Rememberance and resumed. Added pinch Irish Moss at 15
minutes before strike.
Hops: 40g Cascade (4.5% AA, 45 min.)
Yeast: Yeast cultured from bottle of Chimay Blue Label, recovered from
secondary of an Imperial Stout.
Log: Brewed Nov. 11, 1999.
Rack to secondary at day 2, had lots of molasses flavour
Kegged most of batch on day 16 with 1/4 cup glucose in Corny laid on side with
a short "gas in" tube inserted in the "out" fitting.
Carbonation: Found that 1/4 cup glucose is ideal for 19 L of a "pReal Ale". Used
CO2 to displace volume for first half of keg.
Tasting: Dropped bright 7 days after kegging.
Wouldn't change anything, but I want to try this yeast in other beers.

Recipe posted 12/08/99.