D's Nuts Brown Ale

I started with 2.5 gals water for the initial boil. Added the Dextrin Powder and 3# Dry Abler Malt once we started to bubble. Once it got going I added the Nugget hops and started the timer. By this time the spage water was ready to add. Additional 12 min to get back up to boil.

Brewer: D Gamble Email: -
Beer: D's Nuts Brown Ale Style: English Brown
Type: Partial mash Size: 5 gallons
55 HCU (~23 SRM)
Bitterness: 31 IBU
OG: 1.059 FG: 1.010
Alcohol: 6.3% v/v (4.9% w/w)
Water: At the begining I added 1/2 tsp Gypsum, and 1/4 tsp brewers salt.
Grain: 10.5 oz. American crystal 20L
5.0 oz. American crystal 60L
2.0 oz. Dextrine malt (Cara-Pils)
4.0 oz. American chocolate
2.0 oz. American black patent
Mash: 75% efficiency
Mashed at 155° for 45min in 3qts water. By the time I sparged it dropped to 145°. Sparged with 7 qts at 160°
Boil: 60 minutes SG 1.045 6.5 gallons
3.3 lb. Light malt extract
3.00 lb. Amber dry malt extract
In the the recipte I indicate Dextrin at 2oz. Please note this is Detrin Powder. Not sure how much a difference it is from Carps Palis.
Hops: 0.5 oz. Nugget (12% AA, 60 min.)
1.00 oz. Willamette (5% AA, 15 min.)
Yeast: Wyeast 1098 Brit Ale. Pitched at 72°
Log: Brew Date 4/4/09
OG post boil: 1.060
Primary Fermenter 12 days then moved to secondary.
Bottle Date: 5/22
Carbonation: Used 4oz Dextrose at bottling.
Tasting: Pretty great. Very dark brown with a good head. Nice roasted smokey flavor. Next time, cut back on the carbonation down to 2.5 oz Dextrose. But over all, great drinking beer. Nice to come home to after work!

Recipe posted 06/11/09.