Aventinus.......and Beyond!

Was trying to find a recipe to use my Platinum Yeast Strain on before it expired. Saw a few of you that had tried it yourself and modified my recipe with some folks at my local beer supply shop.

Brewer: DrKennyp Email: kennyag@charter.net
Beer: Aventinus.......and Beyond! Style: Weizenbock
Type: Extract w/grain Size: 5 gallons
36 HCU (~18 SRM)
Bitterness: 7 IBU
OG: 1.073 FG: 1.018
Alcohol: 7.1% v/v (5.6% w/w)
Water: Mostly reverse osmosis with some hard tap water to steep my grains.
Grain: 1 lb. Belgian CaraMunich
4 oz. American chocolate
8 oz. Flaked wheat
Boil: 55 minutes SG 1.146 2.5 gallons
9.25 lb. Wheat extract
Hops: 1 oz. Hallertauer (4.25% AA, 60 min.)
0.25 oz. Hallertauer (4.25% AA, 15 min.)
0.25 oz. Hallertauer (aroma)
Yeast: WLP 351 Bavarian Hefeweizen Platinum Yeast. Did make a starter 24 hrs before brewing.
Log: Primary fermentation at around 68-70° for one week. Secondary for two more weeks. Really want this to ferment out with higher gravity.
Carbonation: 3/4 C corn sugar.
Tasting: Clovey taste due to the type of yeast I used. A little lighter than the Aventinus I've had in the bottle with some creaminess from the yeast type. Will have to let you know more later after some bottle conditioning.

Recipe posted 12/07/07.