
Drained in 3 hrs at a party with 17 other beers on hand. Won 1st Place in English Bitters category in recent competition.

Brewer: Christo Email: -
Beer: Midder Style: English Ordinary Bitter
Type: Extract w/grain Size: 5 gallons
11 HCU (~8 SRM)
Bitterness: 30 IBU
OG: 1.038 FG: 1.014
Alcohol: 3.1% v/v (2.4% w/w)
Grain: 6 lb. British pale
12 oz. British crystal 50-60L
8 oz. Dextrine malt (Cara-Pils)
Steep: Batch sparge 3.7 gallons @ 159°F (meant to be 154F), then 3 gallons @ 170°F.
Boil: 60 minutes SG 1.032 6 gallons
IM at 15 minutes
Hops: .7 oz. Willamette (3.3% AA, 60 min.)
1 oz. Willamette (3.3% AA, 30 min.)
1 oz. Fuggles (4.75% AA, 15 min.)
Yeast: WLP002 - will use yeast cake for an oatmeal stout.
Log: 8 days at 68F, 3 days crash cool and kegged for party. Bottled 6 bottles using prime tabs at low and med-low carb.
Carbonation: Med-low carbonation
Tasting: The unintended high mash temp had me fretting as the FG was a little on the high side, making me name this "Midder" for mid-way between mild and bitter. Great biscuity and toffee malt with earthy-floral hop aroma. Just about balanced flavors as well (again midder). Next time will bring the mash temp down to 154F, but since was such a hit at the party and competition, maybe don't need to change anything at all? Must make again as I only had a small sample before the party checking the carbonation, and an extra bottle that didn't go to competitions. Doh!

Recipe posted 11/15/07.