A Brown

This is a test for making a blackberry porter/brown. Want to see what I need to add after I brew this one.

Brewer: Sea Bass Email: -
Beer: A Brown Style: English Brown
Type: Extract w/grain Size: 5 gallons
45 HCU (~20 SRM)
Bitterness: 7 IBU
OG: 1.050 FG: 1.010
Alcohol: 5.2% v/v (4.0% w/w)
Water: NYC water is the best municipal water in the country. I boil everything I use to get rid of any treatment that the city uses e.g. chlorine, fluoride, etc.

Add gypsum
Grain: 6.9 oz. British crystal 50-60L
5.2 oz. Belgian chocolate
5.2 oz. Flaked rye
Steep: Steep in 1 gal. for 30 minutes.
Boil: minutes SG 1.125 2 gallons
5.23 lb. Light dry malt extract
WLP 007
Hops: .5 oz. Hallertauer Mittelfruh (5% AA, 60 min.)
.5 oz. Kent Goldings (5% AA, 15 min.)
.5 oz. Kent Goldings (aroma)
Yeast: WLP 007 Dry English Ale
Log: We'll see if the o.g. is this high. I doubt it. I will adjust if it is different.

E.B.D. 10/15/07
1 week in primary (if it slows by then)
2 weeks in secondary

trying to brew this one quickly.

looking at a 62f temperature.
Carbonation: Bottle condition
Tasting: Well, I was hoping for some colder weather to help me out, but instead, it got hot and humid... fermented way too hot (+/- 70). still tastes halfway decent but not right for the style.

Recipe posted 10/14/07.