Bleeding Brain Belgian

I have really been enjoying the high alcohol Belgian beers lately
and decided to give it a shot. Went down to the local brew shop
and worked out this recipe. Will post the results when complete.

Brewer: Tucker S. Nator Email: -
Beer: Bleeding Brain Belgian Style: Belgian Strong Ale
Type: Extract w/grain Size: 5.5 gallons
15 HCU (~9 SRM)
Bitterness: 7 IBU
OG: 1.085 FG: 1.018
Alcohol: 8.7% v/v (6.8% w/w)
Water: Poland Spring Water
Grain: .5 lb. Belgian biscuit
Steep: 150° for 30 minutes
Boil: 60 minutes SG 1.187 2.5 gallons
11.3 lb. Light malt extract
0.94 lb. Belgian candi sugar
Hops: 0.90 oz. Perle (7% AA, 60 min.)
0.45 oz. Spalt (3.5% AA, 15 min.)
.5 oz. Spalt (aroma)
Yeast: wyeast 1388 belgian strong
Log: Brewed on 4/29/07
Racked to secondary, and as of 5/17/07 it is still fermenting! kinda worried about that, but it is a high gravity brew.

7/4/07 Bottled
FG ended up at 1.020 which gives me 8.8%. Tastes a bit sweet still, but hopefully it will change after conditioning. The recipator was pretty accurate.

Recipe posted 07/05/07.