1172 Brown

This is a recipe I put together based on ingredients I had left over from previous brews, and other items I found in the kitchen. It's named 1172, because it cost me $11.72 for the hops and three pounds of light liquid extract.

Brewer: Carl Hansen Email: gearhead70@att.net
Beer: 1172 Brown Style: American Brown
Type: Extract Size: 5 gallons
26 HCU (~14 SRM)
Bitterness: 33 IBU
OG: 1.055 FG: 1.010
Alcohol: 5.8% v/v (4.6% w/w)
Water: Tap water
Boil: 45 minutes SG 1.138 2 gallons
3 lb. Light malt extract
1 lb. Cane sugar (powdered sugar)
3 oz. Molasses
1 lb. Light dry malt extract
1.5 lb. Dark dry malt extract
2 oz. Whole flower hops in a bag for the length of the boil.
Hops: 2 oz. Chinook (12.7% AA, 45 min.)
Yeast: I brewed my "Carl's Pale Ale" last weekend, and plan to throw this wort on top of the pale's yeast cake after I move it to secondary. Another left over ingredient! The old yeast is 1056 liquid.
Carbonation: 2.2 volumes Honey: 4.14 oz. for 5 gallons @ 70°F
I bottle all my beer with honey for carbonation. Usually 4-5 ounces. I use 12oz bottles, 22oz bottles, and 1/2 gallon growlers so that I can sample the 12oz bottles early on, enjoy the 22oz bottles when it's mature, and I use the 1/2 gal growlers for parties.
Tasting: Will report back after tasting. Brew date 3/31/07.

Recipe posted 03/31/07.