Wolf Weizen "The weizen with bite!"

The closest I have found to true German Hefe-Weizen without going all grain.
This has a much higher alcohol content than most weizens recipes. I did this
to emulate the much higher content in true German Weizen which is 10-12%

Brewer: Bret Spencer Email: -
Beer: Wolf Weizen "The weizen with bite!" Style: Weizen/Weissbier
Type: Extract w/grain Size: 5 gallons
6 HCU (~5 SRM)
Bitterness: 11 IBU
OG: 1.072 FG: 1.012
Alcohol: 7.8% v/v (6.1% w/w)
Water: Used Bottled water with no treatment
Grain: 8.0 oz. German Vienna
8.0 oz. American crystal 20L
1.00 lb. Dextrine malt (Cara-Pils)
Steep: Steep the grain in a grain bag until the water reaches approx. 160°.
At 160° remove the grain bag and add the extract.
Boil: 60 minutes SG 1.120 3 gallons
9 lb. Wheat extract
Add 1/2 tsp Irish Moss for 15 min.
Hops: 1.25 oz. Hallertauer Hersbrucker (5% AA, 60 min.)
Yeast: Wyeast 3068, or 3056
Log: Ferment at 70°. Primary for 7 days. Rack and ferment for 4-6 weeks.
Used a Analayse Enzyme additive with the yeast pitch to increase the
kick of the final brew. Some liquid extracts already have this enzyme.
Carbonation: 1 1/4 cup corn sugar, typical priming.

Recipe posted 02/15/99.