
American Style Barleywine
NOTE: Yield is only 4 gallons due to large amount of wort absorbed by whole hops

Brewer: Spencer Stubbs Email: -
Beer: BarleyWine Style: American Barley Wine
Type: Extract w/grain Size: 4 gallons
38 HCU (~18 SRM)
Bitterness: 74 IBU
OG: 1.094 FG: 1.010
Alcohol: 10.9% v/v (8.5% w/w)
Water: Used Deer Park Spring Water, not treated
Grain: 8 oz. Belgian aromatic
5 oz. Belgian CaraMunich
5 oz. Belgian CaraVienne
Steep: Grains steeped in 1 gallon of water at 150° for 30 minutes. Rinsed with hot water.
Boil: 90 minutes SG 1.075 5 gallons
6 lb. Light malt extract
3 lb. Amber dry malt extract
The last 1.5oz of Amarillo/Cascade were spread out .5 oz each addition at 10m, 5m, and 2m remaining in boil
Irish moss and Servo added with 15m remianing in boil
Boiled 90 minutes total with hop additions beginning at 60m remaining
Hops: .5 oz. Warrior (17.4% AA, 60 min.)
.5 oz. Centennial (10.5% AA, 60 min.)
.5 oz. Centennial (10.5% AA, 30 min.)
.5 oz. Cascade (5.5% AA, 15 min.)
.5 oz. Amarillo (9.0% AA, 15 min.)
1.5 oz. Cascade (aroma)
1.5 oz. Amarillo (aroma)
Yeast: Pitched onto a yeast cake of WLP001
Log: Fermented for 4 weeks in primary/plastic at 70 degrees
Secondary fermentation in glass for 12 weeks at 70 degrees
Added 1 tsp of US56 dry yeast along with 3/4 cup of corn sugar at bottling
Tasting: Very hop forward barleywine. Reminiscent of Bigfoot. Only 6 months old and getting better each time I sample.

Recipe posted 12/13/05.