Epic Wedding Ale

What best follows an "Epic Divorce Pale Ale"? How about the Epic Wedding ale! Yup, did it, getting married again. This is a happier ale, a modification of another pale that should taste just dandy.

Brewer: Rathole Email: am1nightcreature@yahoo.com
URL: http://hometown.aol.com/rathole2331/apology.html
Beer: Epic Wedding Ale Style: American Pale Ale
Type: Extract w/grain Size: 5.25 gallons
20 HCU (~12 SRM)
Bitterness: 31 IBU
OG: 1.055 FG: 1.010
Alcohol: 5.8% v/v (4.5% w/w)
Water: 1 t burton salts
Grain: 1.5 lb. American crystal 40L
Steep: 1/2 hour at 155°
Boil: 60 minutes SG 1.057 5 gallons
7 lb. Light malt extract
.5 lb. Light dry malt extract
Actual hop schedule:

3/4 oz Perle 7.1% AA pellets 60 minutes
1/2 oz Cascade leaf 6.6% AA at 20,15,10 and 5 minutes
1 oz Cascade pellets 5.7% two minutes
Dry hop in keg 1 oz cascade leaf in grain bag

Actual IBU's calculated to be 34 with this hop schedule

1 t irish moss 15 minutes
Hops: .75 oz. Perle (7.1% AA, 60 min.)
.5 oz. Cascade (6.6% AA, 20 min.)
.5 oz. Cascade (6.6% AA, 15 min.)
.5 oz. Cascade (6.6% AA, 10 min.)
1 oz. Cascade (aroma)
Yeast: Safale US-56
This was the yeast cake from a previous wheat I just racked out of primary. I really like this yeast.
Log: 10/30 Brewed OG 1.056
11/5 transferred to secondary SG 1.016
11/19 kegged w/half cup corn sugar (long story... no CO2... well, maybe not THAT long a story) and dry hopped in keg 1 oz cascade leaf
Tasty and clear out of secondary, not quite bitter enough perception I think due to gravity still being at 1.016 I think it should be fine though. The dry hopping I hope will give it a nice aroma punch.
Carbonation: Force carbonate in keg 30 psi @ 70°
(2.5 atmospheres)
Tasting: The wedding went just dandy! It was an outdoor wedding, and when it started snowing that morning we had our doubts... but we got our window and the sunset ceremony went off as planned, minus the sun 'cus it was cloudy. Joyce and I are very happy.

As far as the beer, we had three different beers on tap, this pale ale, a lager and a wheat. This beer was the first keg to go dead. I felt it needed a touch more bitterness, maybe a full oz of the perle would do it. Nice cascade aroma with a soft, malty mouthfeel.

Recipe posted 11/03/05.