Hairy Legs Scottish Ale

I just finished brewing this Scottish ale.
I have high hopes for it!

Brewer: Kim Fortner Email: -
Beer: Hairy Legs Scottish Ale Style: Scottish Ale Export 80/
Type: All grain Size: 5 gallons
15 HCU (~10 SRM)
Bitterness: 29 IBU
OG: 1.052 FG: 1.020
Alcohol: 4.1% v/v (3.2% w/w)
Water: I boiled local tap water for 30 minutes.
Grain: 10 lb. British pale
4 oz. Dextrine malt (Cara-Pils)
4 oz. Belgian CaraMunich
8 oz. British crystal 50-60L
4 oz. Scottish Cara malt
4 oz. British Peated Malt
Mash: 60% efficiency
I added 3 gallons of 175 degree water to my
grains, then immediately raised the mash
temperature to 155 degrees which I held
for 60 minutes. Then I raised the temperature
to 168 degrees for 5 minutes. Sparged and
collected 6 gallons of wort.
Boil: 60 minutes SG 1.043 6 gallons
1/2 tsp Irish Moss (45 minutes)
Hops: 1 oz. Willamette (5% AA, 60 min.)
.5 oz. Kent Goldings (5.6% AA, 60 min.)
Yeast: White Labs Edinburgh Ale liquid yeast.
Log: Brewed 11/23/98. Fermenting in pantry where
air temp is 69 degrees.
Carbonation: I will carbonate this beer with 1 1/4 cups
Muntons 55/45 dry wheat malt extract.

Recipe posted 11/23/98.