da bomb kolsch

excellent kolsch. honey colored, well balanced malt and hops.

Brewer: darell bowman Email: monad9atcomcast.net
Beer: da bomb kolsch Style: Kölsch
Type: All grain Size: 10 gallons
3 HCU (~3 SRM)
Bitterness: 26 IBU
OG: 1.055 FG: 1.010
Alcohol: 5.8% v/v (4.5% w/w)
Grain: 18 lb. Belgian Pilsner
Mash: 82% efficiency
three stage decoction.
mash in at 130 F 20 minutes
add first decoction to 145 F 30 minutes
second to 152 F 45 minutes
third to 158 F 45 minutes
increase heat to mash out at 170 F
Boil: 90 minutes SG 1.050 11 gallons
Hops: 4 oz. Saaz (3.5% AA, 90 min.)
Yeast: white labs kolsch yeast.
Carbonation: keg after two weeks, very clear already. refrigerate to 40 F, co2 pressure at 15 lbs.
Tasting: perfect kolsch. maybe the best beer i've ever made. nice malty flavor, but light on the tongue. saaz hops make for a nice balance and a crisp, clean taste. goes down too easy, in fact. i'll have to make more very soon.

Recipe posted 07/22/04.