Brick Red

Brewer: Hec the tec Email: -
Beer: Brick Red Style: American Amber Ale
Type: Extract w/grain Size: 5 gallons
32 HCU (~16 SRM)
Bitterness: 44 IBU
OG: 1.058 FG: 1.016
Alcohol: 5.4% v/v (4.3% w/w)
Grain: 4 oz. American victory
4 oz. Dextrine malt (Cara-Pils)
2 oz. Belgian Special B
2 oz. German 80L
1 lb. Belgian CaraMunich
Boil: 60 minutes SG 1.072 4 gallons
6 lb. Light malt extract
1 lb. Light dry malt extract
1 tsp Irish Moss last 5 min. of boil
Hops: .5 oz. Magnum (12% AA, 60 min.)
1.25 oz. Kent Goldings (5% AA, 30 min.)
1.25 oz. Willamette (5% AA, 30 min.)
.5 oz. Kent Goldings (aroma)
.5 oz. Willamette (aroma)
Yeast: White Labs Burton Ale

Recipe posted 11/06/03.