Gaelic Ale (from BYO replicator)

This is based on the Gaelic Ale recipe in 12-02 BYO. It is an American Amber/Scottish Ale crossbreed. I added 1/4# munich because I didn't know what extra special malt was. I alsi upped the bittering hops just a touch because I use hop bags.

Brewer: Copper Dog Brewery Email: -
Beer: Gaelic Ale (from BYO replicator) Style: American Amber Ale
Type: All grain Size: 5.5 gallons
20 HCU (~12 SRM)
Bitterness: 30 IBU
OG: 1.054 FG: 1.013
Alcohol: 5.3% v/v (4.2% w/w)
Water: Bottled spring water
Grain: 6 lb. American 2-row
3 lb. American Munich
1 lb. American crystal 40L
8 oz. American crystal 60L
Mash: 80% efficiency
Mash at 150 degrees for 60- minutes.
Mash out at 168 degrees for 15- minutes.
Boil: 90 minutes SG 1.043 7.0 gallons
1 tsp. Irish Moss final 15 minutes.
Hops: .75 oz. Chinook (12% AA, 60 min.)
.5 oz. Cascade (aroma)
.5 oz. Willamette (aroma)
Yeast: Pitch 100ml starter of 1056 American Ale yeast
Log: Brew Date 01-25-03
Carbonation: 3/4 cup corn sugar.

Recipe posted 01/23/03.