
Šikaru is the name of the ancient Babylonian proto-beer, and it is also the etymological origin of the Yiddish word "schicker", which means "drunk" (as a noun) or "to drink to excess" (as a verb). Using this name makes me feel connected me to homebrewers throughout the ages, and in particular to my grandparents, who were homebrewers.

A total of 170 grams of crushed coriander seed is added at various stages of this batch. At bottling, this was in the form of coriander tea.

Brewer: Larry Maler Email:
Beer: Schicker Style: Strong Ale
Type: All grain Size: 23 liters
8 HCU (~6 SRM)
Bitterness: 32 IBU
OG: 1.072 FG: 1.010
Alcohol: 8.0% v/v (6.3% w/w)
Water: My water is softened and charcoal filtered. I added 1 teaspoon of Calcium Chloride and 3 teaspoons of Gypsum to the mash, for acidification.
Grain: 3kg American 2-row
0.93kg American 6-row
0.45kg American Munich
0.3kg American crystal 10L
0.5kg Flaked corn
0.55kg Raw wheat
Mash: 74% efficiency
Mashed at 150°F overnight. My temperature controller typically allows variation between 148°F and 155°F.

Mash addition: 30 grams of crushed coriander seed.
Boil: 90 minutes SG 1.061 27 liters
1kg Light dry malt extract
Irish Moss in last 15 minutes of boil. Boil addition: 30 grams of crushed coriander seed at first wort, 30 grams with 15 minutes left in the boil.
Hops: 30g Fuggles (5.1% AA, 90 min.)
25g Cascade (4.2% AA, 30 min.)
25g Kent Goldings (6.1% AA, 15 min.)
Yeast: Wyeast 1056, American Ale. I made a starter.
Log: Brew date December 7-8, 2001.
Fermentation addition: 30 grams of crushed coriander, added to secondary.
Carbonation: Bottle conditioning with 0.5 cup of cane sugar. Coriander tea, made with 50 grams of crushed coriander were added at bottling time.
Tasting: - At bottling, Feb. 10, 2002, this beer had a wonderful coriander aroma.
- One year later, there is less coriander aroma, but still a very strong coriander flavor. It's a very good beer, but if you brew this you'd better like coriander!

Recipe posted 12/15/02.