Imperial Temple of the Stout

Beer: Imperial Temple of the Stout Style: Imperial Stout
Type: All grain Size: 5 gallons
95 HCU (~34 SRM)
Bitterness: 70 IBU
OG: 1.117 FG: 1.025
Alcohol: 11.9% v/v (9.4% w/w)
Water: Acidified sparge water to 5.8 pH
Grain: 14 lb. American 2-row
1 lb. British crystal 50-60L
8 oz. British chocolate
4 oz. Roasted barley
Mash: 80% efficiency
Single infusion at 155F for 75 minutes
Boil: 75 minutes SG 1.084 7 gallons
2 lb. Brown sugar
1 lb. Molasses
Hops: 1.5 oz. Chinook (12% AA, 60 min.)
.5 oz. Chinook (12% AA, 30 min.)
1 oz. Fuggles (4.75% AA, 30 min.)
.5 oz. Fuggles (4.75% AA, 15 min.)
.5 oz. Fuggles (aroma)
Yeast: California Ale
Log: Racked by pushing brew from one keg to another. Pulled sample. Big, roasty, hoppy and has a molasses undernote (as expected). Will let settle for a week then complete force carbonating. Will bottle about a case to win awards, get chicks, etc...
Carbonation: Will be force carbonated.
Tasting: Brewed 11/16/02

Recipe posted 11/15/02.