Rods Red

A Hoppy Brown Ale. Inspired by Sacramento Brewing Co's Red Horse Ale

Brewer: Rod & Les Email: -
Beer: Rods Red Style: American Brown
Type: All grain Size: 11.5 gallons
46 HCU (~21 SRM)
Bitterness: 51 IBU
OG: 1.057 FG: 1.014
Alcohol: 5.6% v/v (4.4% w/w)
Water: No Treatement. My Tap water is on the Hard Side.
Grain: 18 lb. American 2-row
1 lb. Wheat malt
1 lb. American crystal 20L
3 lb. American crystal 75L
8 oz. Roasted barley
Mash: 77% efficiency
Will attempt to folow the 40-60-70 schedule advocated by Fix.
Mash in with ~5.25 Gal at 124° F to hit ~110°F and rest for 25 min
Add 2.5 - 3.0 Gal of Boiling Water to raise temp of Mash to 140 ° F
(May need to recirculate through Heat Exchanger to hit target Temp)
Hold at 140-145 for 30 minutes
Recirculate and raise temp to 158 ° F. Hold for 20+ minutes
Raise temp to 168° and Mash out.
Be _SURE_ to have enough Sparge water heated- 10+ gallons to keep up flow rate!
Boil: 60+ minutes SG 1.045 14.5 gallons
FWH with 2oz Centenial Pellets
Add 1T Irish Moss with 30 mins remaining.
Hops: 2 oz. Centennial (10.5% AA, 60 min.)
1 oz. Cascade (6% AA, 20 min.)
1 oz. Cascade (6% AA, 15 min.)
1 oz. Cascade (6% AA, 10 min.)
1 oz. Cascade (aroma)
Yeast: Wyeast 1056 - 1 tube pitched into Starter approx 36 hrs before.
Carbonation: 2.0 volumes Keg: 4.3 psi @ 34°F
Start off at higher pressure and rock keg.
Turn down to ~4.3 to allow to fully carbonate.

Recipe posted 12/10/01.