Ramoneur Ble Fume

I love wheat beer in the summer-weisse, weizen, witbier- pick your
style. I also love rauchbier, especially with grilled foods. Brauerei Heller-Trum/Schlenkerla in Bamburg, Germany (the home of rauchbier)has recently released a smoked wheat. I have yet to try it, but it sounds like the perfect compliment to summer. This recipe is my vision of the ultimate picnic beer. Salut! (P.S. a "ramoneur" is a chimney sweep dans la francais)

Brewer: Folkeye Email: -
Beer: Ramoneur Ble Fume Style: Smoked Wheat
Type: Extract w/grain Size: 5.25 gallons
14 HCU (~9 SRM)
Bitterness: 21 IBU
OG: 1.055 FG: 1.012
Alcohol: 5.6% v/v (4.4% w/w)
Water: I always boil my otherwise great tapwater to drive off chlorine prior to brewing. Add 1 tsp. gypsum and 1/2 tsp salt to 1 & 3/4 gallons of water.
Grain: 0 lb. 8 oz. Wheat malt
0 lb. 4 oz. German Munich
0 lb. 4 oz. Belgian CaraMunich
0 lb. 4 oz. Belgian CaraVienne
1 lb. 4 oz. Weyermann Smoked Malt
Steep: Crush & steep grains in 1 & 3/4 gallons(+ gypsum & salt)water @ 150°
for 30 minutes. Drain & sparge with 3 quarts of 150° water. Bring sweet wort to boil. Add extracts and bring total volume to 3 galons.
Boil: 60 minutes SG 1.097 3 gallons
0 lb. 8 oz. Light dry malt extract
6 lb. 0 oz. Wheat extract
Add 1 tsp. Irish Moss at the 45 minute mark.
Hops: 1 oz. Hallertauer Hersbrucker (5% AA, 60 min.)
.5 oz. Tettnanger (4.5% AA, 60 min.)
1 oz. Hallertauer Hersbrucker (5% AA, 15 min.)
1 oz. Hallertauer Hersbrucker (aroma)
Yeast: Use a pint (minimum) starter. Wyeast 3068 for spicy weizen style. Wyeast 3333 or 3942 for more subdued flavor profile (this might work better to allow smoke flavor to come through).
Log: Alas, its still just a dream. Top fermenter up to 5.25 gallons. Approx. 7 days in primary (68-72°), lower temp for 2-3 weeks in secondary (60-65°). Bottle with 1 & 1/4 cups light DME. 10-14 days warm conditioning and then cellar condition (50-55° )6-8 weeks.
Tasting: I plan to make this one this summer. Will update accordingly.

Recipe posted 05/03/01.