Robust Porter

A quite malty and chewy robust porter.

Brewer: Markus Berndt Email: Markus.Berndt@Colorado.EDU
Beer: Robust Porter Style: Porter
Type: All grain Size: 5.0 gallons
94 HCU (~34 SRM)
Bitterness: 30 IBU
OG: 1.055 FG: 1.016
Alcohol: 5.1% v/v (4.0% w/w)
Water: I always boil the water that I use for mashing and sparging and then
cool it to the desired temperature. The tab water I use is medium
hard, and I don't use any water salts.
Grain: 6.5 lb. British pale
1 lb. German Munich
1 lb. American crystal 60L
.75 lb. American chocolate
.25 lb. American black patent
Mash: 80% efficiency
Mash in with 1 qt/lb at 154F, hold for 90 minutes and then raise
temperature to 170F for a 10 minute mash-out.
Boil: 70 minutes SG 1.050 5.5 gallons
1/2 tsp irish moss for 20 minutes
Hops: 1.5 oz. Willamette (4.6% AA, 60 min.)
0.5 oz. Hallertauer (3.8% AA, 15 min.)
Yeast: Wyeast #1007 in a 1/2 gallon, 1.040 og, starter made from XLDME.
Log: 3 days in primary at 68F (plastic)
4 days in secondary at 68F (glass)
add 1/4 tsp of isinglass to the bottling bucket
Carbonation: 3/4 cup corn sugar per 5 gallons of beer at bottling
Tasting: tastes great, next time try lower mash temp (perhaps 152F) or a bit
more bittering hops

Recipe posted 11/25/97.