Eau de Cologne

This is a modification of user Ichthys' kolsch recipe here:


Modified as follows:

My Tettenang hops were labelled as 4.8% AA. Hence this batch will be more bitter than a typical Kolsch.

Switched out the recipe's Hallertau for Saaz. I expect this will still be delicious.

Rather than 9 lbs. German Pils + 1 lbs. Vienna Malt, I used 8 lbs. of American 2-Row + 1 lbs. Munich + 1 lbs. Wheat Malt.

Brewer: Gary Email: -
URL: http://schlemazlbrews.blogspot.com/
Beer: Eau de Cologne Style: Kölsch
Type: All grain Size: 5.25 gallons
5 HCU (~5 SRM)
Bitterness: 42 IBU
OG: 1.049 FG: 1.012
Alcohol: 4.8% v/v (3.7% w/w)
Water: 1/2 Campden Tab split evenly (1/4 tab each) between mash water & sparge water. 1 TBSP of 5.2 pH stabilizer in the mash water. http://www.midwestsupplies.com/5-2-mash-stabilizer.html
Grain: 8 lb. American 2-row
1 lb. Wheat malt
1 lb. American Munich
Mash: 70% efficiency
Mashed in with 3.75 gal @ 160F. Overshot target temp of 150F by 2 degrees. After an hour the mash temp was down to 148F. That's more heat loss than I expected, but 148 is within the target mash range from the original recipe, so no worries.

Mistook original recipe's sparge temp of 168F for a strike temp as opposed to a target post-sparge grain temp. Oops. Next time I'll calculate the appropriate strike temp using this nifty tool: http://www.brew365.com/mash_sparge_water_calculator.php
Boil: 120 minutes SG 1.037 7 gallons
I was hoping for a 60 or at most 90 min boil here. Foolishly I didn't modify my volume of sparge water. At the beginning I had too much wort to boil in my little 7 gallon kettle. I had to boil for half an hour before adding the final gallon of sparge runoff and then boil for another half hour before adding the Tettenang bittering hops. This made for a much longer brew day than I had anticipated. Note to future self: Use less sparge water and adjust your grain bill accordingly.

Irish moss @ 5 minutes. Should have added it earlier. Oh well.

Racking was a total pain as I used Saaz whole leaf hops for the flavor addition. This left me with 2 gallons of leafy mush mixed with good wort at the bottom of my kettle. I was able to use my autosiphon to rack off most of the liquid while leaving most (but nowhere near all) of the hop leaf material behind. Another unfortunate side effect of this process was that much more trub wound up in my primary fermenter than I would have liked. In the future: avoid whole/leaf hops or if you must use them keep them in a hop bag throughout the boil.
Hops: 2 oz. Tettnanger (4.8% AA, 60 min.)
1 oz. Saaz (2.4% AA, 10 min.)
Yeast: Innoculated with 1 WYeast Activator smack pack of Kolsch Yeast.
Log: Brewed: 10/8/2011
Primary temp: 66F

Recipe posted 10/11/11.